Research Communications

Research Hub Labs and Initiatives and other GSB research clients can engage with our communications and web specialists for support with customized publications and website development.
We provide support to the Research Hub Labs and Initiatives and other Hub units with web design, content review, and content dissemination. Unlike the GSB central Communications group, which actively markets the GSB to the world, the Research Hub Communications team has a focus on research dissemination in response to faculty requests. The team assists with content production by consulting on content strategy and presentation—while the units they support are the ultimate content owners.
The team supports the publication of large research reports including White Papers. They also provide design services for materials associated with the Research Hub. Their services include: photo editing; graphic design for documents, graphs, and charts; guidance on style, voice, and tone; adapting existing PowerPoint and Google Slides templates; and ensuring that all websites comply with accessibility requirements and Stanford branding. They contract and manage editorial, copywriting, and design freelancers.
As part of a larger Research Hub Web/UX working group, the Research Communications team develops and maintains websites for the Research Hub and several of the Labs and Initiatives. They can also provide analytics dashboards related to web page use.